Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Recap of Day 1 of Libby Trial

"I am completely without objectivity. There is nothing you can say that would make me feel positively about President Bush."* This was a quote from one of the potential jurors who was an African-American woman in her 20's that was excused.
I have read the live blogging from Firedoglake and Talkleft.com.
Here is a recap of day one of Libby Trial:
Potential jurors were given 37 questions of a questionnaire.
List of potential witnesses for the trial
Nine jurors were reviewed today and three were excused.
Opening statements for the Libby trial start January 22, 2007
Here are some of the highlights from Firedoglake:

There in lies the challenge for Team Libby: of the nine jurors reviewed in depth today, three were excused. Two I've described to you, and one was excused due to the demands on her time of her work commitments as a free lance contractor paying the rent month to month. What's telling is this: no jurors were excused for cause based on any predispositions that might prejudice them against the prosecution.
And this is interesting the demographics of the jury pool:

Generally, the demographics that hurt the administration hurt the defense team: women (especially single women), minorities, working people or union members, liberal professionals, etc. The problem for team Libby is, their best jurors live in Salt Lake City, not Washington, DC.

And here is some interesting thoughts about Fitzgerald's decorum and charm:
Patrick Fitzgerald has a reputation for not making a big fuss over jurors during jury selection, and he lived up (down?) to that reputation today. He is mostly content to take people at their word if they say they believe they can render a fair and impartial judgment based on the evidence and according to the Judge's instructions. He seems most likely to verify that those with previous experience or exposure to the criminal justice system (as victims of crime, or who have family members of those who are policeman, etc.) believe they possess no strong biases or opinions based on those connections or experiences that might render them unable to deliberate in good faith. He can also be slyly charming. As one woman mentioned she has three children, Fitzgerald responded, "I take it these are young children?" Instantly, and with a southern twang, the woman countered, "Oh, aren't you sweet!"
Team Irve will have an uphill struggle if they have a pool of jurors like today.


Anonymous said...

With the Chimps rating slipping into single digits, how are they going to find jurors who have a positive view of the administration? Can they recruit some WASP CEO's making 10 million plus from somewhere?

SP Biloxi said...

Good question. That is why it is uphill for the defense team to find jurors that will side with them. Libby is guilty by association...