Sunday, January 28, 2007

Giuliani compares Bush to Lincoln. Seriously.

Rudy Giuliani has been reluctant to talk too much about the war in Iraq, in large part because he apparently realizes how incredibly unpopular it is, and the extent to which the crisis has brought nothing but ruin to Bush’s presidency.
But now that Giuliani is getting closer to launching his presidential campaign in earnest, and as other candidates begin to take clear positions on the war, he’s having to pick a side. For reasons that aren’t quite clear, Giuliani is backing Bush rather enthusiastically. Last night, the former NYC mayor spoke to 500 people in New Hampshire.
Holding up as examples the top two presidents in the Republican pantheon, Lincoln and Reagan, Giuliani explained their leadership qualities.
“I don’t imagine that they had those favorable/unfavorable things back during the Civil War,” but Lincoln would not have fared well, Giuliani said.
Seeming to draw present-day comparisons, Giuliani noted that Lincoln even faced riots in New York City because people were unhappy with the war. “They wanted to quit because it was getting too tough.”
There were extensive casualties, the conflict dragged on and Lincoln had to fire many of his generals, Giuliani reminded the salad-eating crowd.
So, to hear Giuliani tell it, Bush is Lincoln, and the war in Iraq is the U.S. civil war. Giuliani did not appear to be kidding.
For good measure, Giuliani also said we could balance the budget by embracing the “budget discipline” of “the Reagan years,” which tells us a bit about Giuliani’s understanding of recent history.
Remember when Giuliani considered himself a serious person?


Anonymous said...

Giuliani talks about the Regan years, ya deficit spending years.

Giuliani can't even compare the Chimp to Lincoln that is such a far stretch........if we start with the intelligence, ethics issues.........and Lincoln made his own decisions, he aged at least 20 years from the time he started office until he left, barely taking time off, barely taking time to sleep, spending much time on the front line with Generals.....oh no don't get me if I did not have much respect for Giuliani .....forget it now

Anonymous said...

And Biloxi what is your take on this? What's going on?

jan said...


Man, I wonder what the public's reaction would be to that.

SP Biloxi said...

"That's when the term "selective service" was born."

Chicago Native:

I knew the Gerbil would sneak this in. They are bringing back the draft. That article didn't have to say it. And yeah, they can called it "selective service." A lot of young adults have protested this. The gerbil has no choice but to bring the draft back. There is no enough troops. People should be notifying their Congress person because that the Gerbil's plans. IMHO, I am against it.

No comment to Giuliani. I read the book Lincoln on Leadership. In no shape or form, the Gerbil is not even close to Lincoln as a leader. That is a wish!