Friday, June 18, 2010

SPB News for Friday

GOP lawmaker demands Barton step down from top committee spot — A Republican lawmaker from a district affected by the oil spill called on Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) to step down as the ranking member of his committee. — Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.), whose Pensacola district is among

Clinton: Justice Dept. To File Lawsuit Against Arizona's Immigration Law

Top Corporate Donor to Barton Is Partner of BP on Deepwater Horizon — Ordinarily, it's not that shocking to see a Republican from Texas defend the petroleum industry. But Rep. Joe Barton's comments to BP CEO Tony Hayward today, in which he described it as a “tragedy” that a …

Palin: Pot is a ‘minimal problem’ — Former Alaska GOP Gov. Sarah Palin said Wednesday night that law enforcement should not focus its energy on the “minimal problem” of marijuana. — Palin made the comment during an appearance on the Fox Business Network with Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).

BP acknowledges it never followed blowout preventer law, blames MMS — In response to a U.S. senator's questions — in a letter, BP said it never follows a federal law requiring it to certify that a blowout preventer device would be able to block a well in case of an emergency.

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