Friday, June 18, 2010

Cost Of Cancer Treatment Costs Man His Home

Huffington Post:

When Las Vegas man Jeff Martinez complained of chest pains and intestinal trouble, his doctor gave him a startling diagnosis: he had colon and liver cancer.

For almost three years now, Martinez has been battling the cancers. Costly treatments have forced him to forgo the mortgage payments on the house he shares with his wife and two children. The colon cancer continues to get worse, advancing to stage 4, and spreading to his lungs.

Although he continues to work full-time, and his wife holds down two jobs, the family's medical bills have left them $30,000 behind on their mortgage. The bank wasn't understanding -- telling the family they would be foreclosing on their home.

KVVU-TV reports, Jeff Martinez had a message for his family:

"I just want them to know I'm sorry that my medical (problems) put us in this predicament," he said. "If I wasn't sick, basically I'd be able to support them right now."

On June 14, the family was forced out of their house, which is set to be put up for auction.

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

I bet this guy had health insurance, too.