Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Chase sued AGAIN over mortgage mod

Huffington Post:

Three frustrated homeowners in New York City are suing JPMorgan Chase over the bank's failure to permanently modify their mortgages under the Obama administration's plan to help homeowners avoid foreclosure.

The complaint, filed in federal court in New York, says the plaintiffs, who are represented by attorneys with the nonprofit Urban Justice Center, relied on promises by Chase that they could have their loans modified if they made reduced payments per the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). Despite making payments on time, they've received foreclosure threats but no modifications.

One of the plaintiffs, Alex Lam, a 35-year-old restaurant manager, alleges Chase told him to actually stop making payments in order to be eligible for help. In early 2009, Lam contacted Washington Mutual (since absorbed by Chase) about a modification after his adjustable-rate mortgage blew up in his face. He was told he didn't qualify for help because he was current on his payments.

"Mr. Lam was specifically told that if he stopped making payments for several months, he could be considered for a modification," the says the complaint.

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