Tuesday, December 22, 2009

SPB News for Tuesday

Court Rejects Polanski's Move To Have Case Dismissed

Mexico City becomes first in Latin America to approve marriage equality.

Woman dies while medics order food
Pregnant woman having seizure ignored; 'We're on coffee break.'

Obama signs Franken's anti-rape amendment into law. — The White House Press Office sent out a statement today announcing that President Obama signed the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2010 into law on Saturday: … Within the Appropriations Act is Sen. Al Franken's (D-MN) …

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani expected to announce Tuesday he will not run for U.S. Senate — So long, Rudy. — Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani is expected to announce Tuesday he is not running for U.S. Senate or anything else in 2010, effectively ending his storied - and often stormy - electoral career, The Daily News has learned.

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