Tuesday, November 17, 2009

SPB News for Tuesday

Gov't: Skip Mammograms In 40s, Start At 50
A government task force announced Monday that most women don't need a mammogram in their 40s and should start getting one every two years starting at age 50. That's a major reversal that clashes with the American Cancer Society's guidelines.

US unveils 'Guantanamo's evil twin' extended Bagram prison --'The Bagram prison resembled a concentration camp.' Journalists have been allowed to inspect refurbished facilities at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan, the largest US military hub in the region and home to a controversial prison. Al Jazeera's correspondent James Bays, who was among those who inspected the facilities on Sunday, said Bagram, unlike its Guantanamo counterpart, was clearly not going to be shut down soon. "The new prison wing cost some $60 million [for KBR] to build ..." Bays said. "But we were not shown the detainees. Human-rights lawyers say that, while the environment for the prisoners may be changing, their legal situation is not ... not having been charged. Nor has any civilian lawyer ever been allowed inside." Omar Dighayes, a former detainee at Bagram and Guantanamo Bay, said the Bagram prison resembled a concentration camp. "People were beaten, dragged, tortured in it," he told Al Jazeera.

Israel gaffe reveals 'Iran ship photos' were forged After Israel released photos it said proved that a huge shipment of weapons for Hezbollah came from Tehran, Iranian news agencies publish evidence showing that the photos are forged. Israeli naval sources recently claimed that they found a large cache of Iranian-made arms when they stormed a vessel near Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea. They claimed that the ship was heading for the Hezbollah resistance movement, either in Lebanon or Syria. Iran instantly dismissed the claims, issuing a statement with which it condemned Israel's many acts of piracy in international waters.

Chavez: US to use bases in Colombia for spying Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez has renewed his criticism of the US-Colombia military pact, accusing Washington of using its bases there for spying. On Sunday, Chavez once again slammed a recently signed defense accord between Washington and Bogota, which would give the US access to military bases in Colombia.

Anti-war soldier faces 10 years in jail A British soldier who faces up to 10 years in jail for speaking out against the war in Afghanistan will go before a military judge this week to discover if he will remain in an army jail while he awaits trial. In an escalation of the Ministry of Defence's legal action against him, Lance Corporal Joe Glenton, 27, was arrested and charged last week with five counts of disobeying lawful commands and standing orders in relation to his public opposition to the war expressed at an anti-war rally last month. He had already been charged with desertion for refusing to return to fight in Afghanistan.

AK Governor Declares War on Polar Bears By Adrian Chen Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell wants the polar bears hanging out on top of his state's oil reserves to stop being so endangered. He's suing the feds to remove their "threatened" classification and help speed up development of oil fields.

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