Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Despite Begging For An Endorsement, Palin Rejects GOP Senate Candidate Rep. Mark Kirk


Earlier this month, the Washington Post reported that Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL), a candidate for Senate in 2010, wrote a memo to Sarah Palin requesting that she endorse him during her visit to Chicago for the Oprah Winfrey Show. The Post noted that “Palin’s endorsement [of Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman] helped force state Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava (R) from the race” in the NY-23 special election, and that Kirk’s memo is “tangible evidence of the power of Palin’s endorsement in a Republican primary.”

The memo is also tangible evidence of Kirk’s willingness to dramatically switch positions in order to gain political power. Last year, Kirk panned Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) selection of Palin as his running mate, telling the Chicago Tribune, “I would have picked someone different.” Asked about Palin’s qualifications for office, Kirk said, “Quite frankly, I don’t know.”

However, it appears that Palin has rejected Kirk’s request for an endorsement. Recently, Kirk told ThinkProgress that he had been expecting her endorsement once she visited Chicago:

TP: How about Sarah Palin? How close are you to getting her endorsement?

KIRK: We sent a memo detailing the race, and she’ll be coming in to Chicago shortly.


Anonymous said...

I could go on and on about Kirk.......but, he is trying to stop the use of a prison for Gitanimo detaninees, the Thompson, downstate on the Illinois Iowa border on the Mississippi River where this town has this big new empty prison....they built up the town around it in hopes of many employement opportunities. Many of the GOP in town want it, because security is in place, a nuclear power plant is `15 minutes away with all the security in place as well. This town has built convient stores/gas stations restaurants etc that will go under unless the prison starts employing people.
This is really a hot and heated subject in this state now because, yep our now current Democratic Gov Quinn is leading the way on this, the guy who is now Controller in this State, also Democrat Hynes is backing this, Obama is also supporting this.....and the GOP are digging in their heels making this a party issue, and ticking off the GOP constituents in the meantime, because they want the jobs etc.

Anonymous said...

Suming it all up this might do Kirk in. Being in support of it would make him a tough contender.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Show enough pictures of Kirk standing next to the Gerbil with a look on his face like he is a little boy in a candy store and that should do him in, too. I am trying to wipe that image out of my memory banks.

Mama's local newspaper ran a poll on the prison and about 77% people voted that it would be OK if Gitmo prisoners went there.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Here you go Biloxi, Brown-nosing picture