Sunday, October 18, 2009

White House Weighs In On LA Justice Who Won't Marry Interracial Couples


White House Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton responded Saturday to a question about a justice of the peace in Louisiana who refused to sign the marriage license for an interracial couple out of concern "for the children."

"I've seen the story and I've looked into this a little bit. And I found that, actually, the children of biracial couples can do pretty good," said Burton, who is biracial himself.

"So in terms of anything else, I just think it's something that they're dealing with locally."


Anonymous said...

Only in a Red state is this alive and well.

The GOP claims to be the high moral party, but they are so full of hate.

airJackie said...

Pockets of racism left as we see. Smart move by the White House to have a spokeperson who is from a mixed marriage. It's been so long ago when the Loving Case made headlines and to think we still have lost stuck in the pass is sad. I was so proud of the young couple and I know heads turned when she said she was a memeber of the NAACP. Many don't realize there are members of all races in the NAACP.

KittyBowTie1 said...

At least this time the White House did some research and thought before it spoke. They learned from the Harvard / Cambridge police thing and speaking too soon.

The gerbil's people showed no clear evidence that they learned from their mistakes.

SP Biloxi said...

And the WH was smart enough to have the WH spokesperson to speak on interracial marriage since he is a product of one.