Sunday, October 18, 2009

SPB News for Sunday

San Joaquin Bank becomes 99th failed financial institution of 2009.

Pelosi's husband buys football team
Paul Pelosi pays $12 million, becomes owner of UFL's California Redwoods.

Sweeney's License Suspended For Refusal To Take Sobriety Test
Former New York GOP congressman John Sweeney refused to take a sobriety test when police pulled him over for speeding in April.

Iranian-Canadian journalist had been held since June 21.

Karzai balking at deal to end dispute
Presidential runner-up Abdullah already agreed to deal.
Plans to develop Rumaila, Iraq's largest producing oil field.

Del. soon to require new ID standards --Driver's license process will change Those getting a Delaware driver’s license will soon face increased security measures. The federal REAL ID Act of 2005, which came in response to the 9/11 Commission's findings that 18 of the 19 'hijackers' had obtained driver’s licenses, requires states to revamp their licenses and licensing procedures to meet federal standards. The law was condemned by many states as a costly unfunded mandate -- it would cost them an estimated $4 billion to implement it -- and 24 states have refused to comply or passed laws limiting their participation.

Summers: Banks Must Accept Gov't Regulation A top White House official called on financial institutions to accept new rules in order to help the economic system avoid future ''devastating consequences for workers, consumers and taxpayers.'' ''Financial institutions that have benefited from government support can, should, and must use this moment to think about what they can do for their country -- by accepting the necessary regulation to protect the American people,'' White House chief economic adviser Lawrence Summers said Friday at a conference sponsored by The Economist magazine.

Summers: Banks Must Accept Gov't Regulation A top White House official called on financial institutions to accept new rules in order to help the economic system avoid future ''devastating consequences for workers, consumers and taxpayers.'' ''Financial institutions that have benefited from government support can, should, and must use this moment to think about what they can do for their country -- by accepting the necessary regulation to protect the American people,'' White House chief economic adviser Lawrence Summers said Friday at a conference sponsored by The Economist magazine.

Sharpton threatens suit against Limbaugh — WASHINGTON (CNN)- Reverend Al Sharpton and his lawyers say they are preparing to file a defamation lawsuit against conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh for an op-ed published Saturday, which Sharpton alleges “erroneously” characterizes his

3 Houston mayoral candidates return illegal donations


Anonymous said...

I am still amazed that Limpballs and all the other bigots have not had more lawsuits.

And why the conservatives let Limpballs and all the other wacko's, they embrace them. They should be distancing themselves from these wackos calling themselves conservatives, GOP etc. And like another post of yours there is one that is involved in violent protests against gays.....oh pul leeze, when are more advertisers etc (that support Faux Nutwork News, Limpballs radion pollution show, and others) going to quit advertising with them?

airJackie said...

Pelosi's husband made billions in the 8 years of the Bush Administration so it makes since he has enough to buy a team. With those illegal deals Nancy was making with cooperation with the Bush Administration it's no wonder she's drinking so much.

Karzai is a Bush/Cheney appointee and when removed peace will come to Afghanistan. Look Karzai worked for the oil company Daddy Bush and the Carlye Group owned. The Iraq invasion was a front to control Afghanistan and put a Leader in place. Karzai was sworn in and seconds later signed the oil deal for Cheney. US tax dollars have gone to a corrupt Karzai and you can bet Obama knows it. The Election was fixed and Karzai knows the Obama Administration is wise to the fraud. Remember before Bush took office his best friends were the Taliban and he even invited them as his guest to the USA.