Saturday, October 17, 2009

Since when did Olympia Snowe become Queen of America?

What's with the lawmakers depending on Snowe's vote? The floor is yours.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I'm back safe and sound and glad to be back on this website. I missed all of you and every cat I saw was a relative of Mr. Kittybowtie. I did visit Chicago and took a boat ride to see the city. Yes I took the tour of Chicgo and saw Obama's home. The people are so nice Peaches and I got lost most of the time. I took a picture of myself in front of a building with the old farmer and his wife with the pitch fork. I visited the aka Sears Tower before the name change. I saw the Harry Potter Museum with the first showing of the Harry Potter Movie. I even got to eat the famous Chicago Pizza. Oh Randall Samborn was on vacation and Fitz was in another city at the time. I did get to see the office and so many employees knew me and Peaches it was fun. The Security Guard made me laugh he say he knew my name and was glad to see what I looked like after all these years.

Now to the topic. Snow just might be on her way out in more ways then one. She stayed to long at the party and things have really changed while see stayed the same. Obama is allowing the Republicans to be seen for who they are as their voters watch and suffer. It's a smart move by OB as you don't have to explain anything. I met a family from Maine while in DC. Yes no matter who I spoke to there was a story of suffering in one way or another. The American people are hurting and they have no problem talking about. Each story was worse then the other. My problems begin to seem really small.