Saturday, October 17, 2009

Quote of the day

"We don't want somebody sitting back saying you're not holding the mop the right way. Why don't you grab a mop? Why don't you help clean up? ... That's a socialist mop. Grab a mop! Let's get to work." – President Barack Obama


airJackie said...

My thoughts on this posting were a little different then most. I liken this to the Super Bowl. I love Eli Manning and watched him work with his team. No job is to big or small as they Won. A Leader is willing to do what ever he asked someone else to do. When a team member see's the Leader do the same job it's easy to join in. We watched the Bush Administration give orders but never joined in. We see Law Makers who never served in the Military and would never allow their children to join in the illegal invasion. Yes Sister Sarah took pride in saying her son was in the US Military but left out it was a court order for her son to either go to jail for his crime or join the Miliary. Senator aka Lady Graham did what most did become a lawyer to say at home. McCain was one of the biggest disappointments as he sold out his fellow POW's and got better treatment by saying his Father was a ranked Officer. McCain left out the part that he was seperated from his fellow soldiers but they spoke out about it during the Campain. The story is always better when you lie. Bush stood proud in his airman's uniform and declared Mission Accomplished but forgot when his fellow airman went to fight the War he ran home like a scared little girl and his Daddy covered for him. Americans speak of our Great Leaders but ever notice how many are left out. George H. W. Bush has done nothing for the American people after he left office as we see how Carter and Clinton continue to serve America. Yet when there's a photo op you'll see Daddy Bush front and Center. I was funny to hear Daddy Bush complain about how America talks about his son while forgetting he put us in this Recession and caused Chaos around the World. I guess when the Nobal Committee has an award for a Leader who brought Crime, Corruption and Hate/Evil to the World George W. Bush just might get that Award.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Jackie.

The GOP talk about how everything is cyclic.

But why are things always on a bad cycle when the GOP are in the WH? And a good cycle when the Democrats are in?

That's the cycle I see.