Thursday, August 06, 2009

Video: Jon Stewart pokes fun at Sen. Grassley's debt and deficit dragon

This is laughable. Grassley may have spend too much time dining at Medieval Times.

In the video below Jon Stewart does a brilliant job of illustrating how Senator Chuck Grassley's (R-IA) presentation to the Senate does not really address the health care debate appropriately.

In the presentation Senator Grassley actually tries to use a medieval tale with cartoon like pictures to try to attack health care reform. Sen. Grassley does not even get the story correct in recitation however and actually switches tales in the middle of his presentation.

This clip of Senator Grassley best exemplifies how issues can be over-simplified by the right and left. In reality health care legislation needs to be complex to address the different needs and wants of some 300 million people in our country with all kinds of different health care plans. Fables with drawing of dragons and knights will not help reduce or deficit or improve our health care system. There is a time and place for simplicity and now is not such a time.

On a side note:
Grassley said that Obama is too inexperienced to understand how Congress works.
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Chuck Grassley's Debt and Deficit Dragon
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