Thursday, August 06, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Thursday

Liasson: ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program ‘is like a mini-Katrina.’ — Tuesday night, Fox News aired a clip of a woman at a Philadelphia town hall meeting over the weekend berating Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) about health care reform. “What I see is a bureaucratic nightmare, senator. ...

Dobbs and Crowley Try to Paint Town Hall Protests as Grass Roots Movement
Dobbs and Crowley attempt to paint the movement as grass roots, rather than being funded by the insurance and health care industries. Dobbs and Crowley also ignore that groups like CPR are now
taking credit for ginning up the outbursts at the town hall rallies.
DOBBS: Joining me now for more our senior political analyst Candy Crowley -- Candy, what do you make of these protests and we just heard Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, obviously mocking these people and saying fairly straightforwardly that this is organized protests. Is that true?
CROWLEY: Well, listen, there is no doubt there are a lot of conservative groups out there who are using their Web sites to encourage people to go to their town hall meetings. But this is not some subterranean movement that they don't want people to know about. And there are groups that you heard of before, some of them well heeled, Conservatives for Patient's Rights.
They've had a number of ads against a sort of Obama style health care reform. They are now on their Web site trying to reach out to some of these groups -- the tea party people that we saw on tax day. Others are saying, you know, here's where the town hall meetings are and schedules like that. There's another group, Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, I'm sure you're familiar with that...
DOBBS: Sure.
CROWLEY: ... is a conservative social group. If you go on that Web site, you can see indeed where there are town hall meetings. Now, there's also an interesting place called Right Principles and I just talked to the head of that group. Now -- and his name is Robert McDuffie and he wrote a memo that has gone all over the Web about how to rock the town hall meeting. And it's very lengthy and it says, you know, go in there and stand up, you know...
DOBBS: Does it suggest whether that be a Democratic or Republican town hall meeting?
CROWLEY: It does not, but this is a group that's definitely protesting the current form of health care reform, as they see it. And he said -- and I said, so, you're starting this movement. He said you know anybody that thinks that a guy sitting in Connecticut with a Web site can influence someone in Texas to go to a town hall meeting, you know, is crazy.

Beck tells O'Reilly he thinks President Obama poses a threat to America
Glenn Beck did his weekly appearance on The O'Reilly Factor Tuesday night, and was waxing philosophic about the virtues of astroturfed teabaggers showing up to disrupt town hall meetings on health care. It's all good as far as Glenn's concerned, so long as folks are bashing President Obama.
This is because, as far as Beck is concerned, the nation under Obama is in dire straits. He keeps calling it "the most dangerous time that I have personally witnessed in my country's history."


Anonymous said...

I heard on the news today, on the Cash for Clunker program, that they might be limiting this to people who have incomes of $50K or less. (you would think that people in higher income ranges would not be driving clunkers)

What I found interesting is that 7 of the top 10 clunkers turned in were Fords, the 94-99 Explorers and the 97 windstar.

Also Ford had 2 in the top 10 bought cars on the Cash for Clunker program, this on the same day Ford will reopen it's South Side of Chicago Plant building Taurus', that have 18mpg city, 28mpg highway and start at $25K.

Also note Ford did not take bailout funds.

Note: Didn't Hugo Chavez pioneer a similiar program, like 2 years ago?

Anonymous said...

Clunker info

Ford was part of the problem, now it's trying to be part of the solution.

On the Taurus:
I have heard many say to get any options you are talking about a $30K to not have a stripped down car, and that then puts it in competition with the Accord, Camry, Altima etc, and why would you want a Taurus?