Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Unofficial birther leader takes on Shuster.

Unbelievable.. God can carve in a tombstone from a lightning bolt that Obama was born in Hawaii and the wingnut lunatic fringes will still ask for proof.


Orly Taitz, the unofficial leader of the Birther movement, appeared Monday on MSNBC, for a rather...interesting interview with David Shuster, who took particular offense at Taitz's reference to "Obama's brownshirts in the media," noting that invoking the Nazis is especially offensive to people who lost relatives in the Holocaust: See video.

Other wingnut conspiracies:

Claims about Obama's travel to Pakistan using a non-US passports

Obama's paternal step-grandmother's version of events

And now the alleged Kenyan birth certificate: "Obama Certified Copy of Registration of Birth in Kenya". Orly Taitz Website

But here is the problem: The document appears to be an edited Australian birth certificate, not Kenyan. This Australian one that has been posted online. You be the judge of it.

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