Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Olbermann hits it home: Special comment on health care reform

Some of the highlights:

PBS pointed out that the health and insurance industries are spending more than a million, 400 thousand dollars a day, just to destroy the "public option" - the truly non-profit, wieldy, round-up and not round-down, government, from helping you pay your medical bills with about a billionth of the recklessness with which it is still paying Halliburton and its spinoffs to kill your kids.

And much of this money is going to, and through, Republicans. But that's the real point tonight. Not all of it is going through Republicans...

Congressman Mike Ross of Arkansas.Leader of the Blue Dogs in the House.

You're the guy demanding a guarantee that Reform won't add to the deficit. I'm guessing you forgot to demand that about, say, Iraq.

You're a Democrat, you say, Congressman?

You saw what Sandy Barham said? Sandy Barham is 62 years old, she's got a bad heart, and she's hoping her valves will hold together for three more years until Medicaid kicks in, because she can't afford insurance. Not just for herself, mind you. For her employees. She needs the public option. So do those six people who work at that restaurant of hers, Congressman Ross. And why should you give a crap?

Because Sandy Barham's restaurant is the Broadway Railroad Café, and it is at 123 West First Street North in Prescott, Arkansas.

Prescott, Arkansas, Congressman Ross.

Your home town. You are Sandy Barham's congressman. Hers, Sir. Not Blue Cross's and Blue Shield's, even if they do insure 75 percent of the state and they own you.

I warn you all. You were not elected to create a Democratic majority.

You were elected to restore this country.You were not elected to serve the corporations and the trusts who the government has enabled for the last eight years.

You were elected to serve the people.

And if you fail to pass or support this legislation, the full wrath of the progressive and the moderate movements in this country will come down on your heads. Explain yourselves not to me, but to them.

They elected you, and in the blink of an eye, they will replace you.
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