Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Disgraced Bushie U.S. attorney still drawing a government paycheck.

Remember her?

At the height of the crony Bush Justice Department era, the President appointed a 33-year-old attorney named Rachel Paulose, whose sole qualifications for the job appeared to be personal connections to high-ranking Justice Department officials, as the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota. Her tenure was an unmitigated disaster.
Paulose mishandled classified information, retaliated against employees who were “disloyal,” and she “allegedly denigrated one employee of the office, using the terms ‘fat,’ ‘black,’ ‘lazy’ and ‘ass.’”
At one point, four of her top lieutenants voluntarily demoted themselves in protest of her mismanagement of the office. Nevertheless, Paulose has somehow found a new job representing the United States in court.
According to Main Justice, Paulose was hired last March as a senior trial counsel in the SEC’s Miami regional office. In light of her poor employment history, it’s unclear why Paulose was able to get this job now that her close friend Monica Goodling is no longer calling the shots.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

With all the Republicans on a sex run one might ask who is taking care of this young lady or should I say who is she taking care of for a free check each month. Someone is doing something because nothing is free. Monica Goodling is a drug addict so that's out. But this should prove to be interesting as we have seen Senator Ensign pays very well even his parents will shall out money to his sex partner. Rachel Rachel who is your backer?