Wednesday, August 05, 2009

CA state employees share pay stubs

After last week's TSW post of one state worker's pre- and post-furlough pay stubs, another person e-mailed three of them to us. These records show that employee's pay prior to furlough, pay during a two-day furlough month and then from July, the first month that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger ordered three "Furlough Fridays."

View the January 2009 stub by clicking here.
View the June 2009 stub by clicking here.
View the July stub by clicking here.


airJackie said...

Arnie will need more protection then Bush and Obama as the people will truly lose it with what he's doing. I know he has only 17 months left but I really don't think he'll make it that long they might impeach quick because he just keep digging the hole dipper for the citizens. Without a Hollywood script Arnie is hosed. Soon the Ca. State Employees will be working for nothing and he's already taking their penisons.

Anonymous said...

I feel for you Jackie, at least we impeached our crazed Governor, but yours is still going.