Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Report: Guv Sanford Seen In Atlanta Airport


Local news channel WYFF4
On Tuesday, sources told News 4's Nigel Robertson that a state vehicle is missing and was tracked down, not to the Appalachian Trail, but to the Hartsfield-Jackson Airport in Atlanta.
Sources told Robertson that a federal agent spotted Sanford in the airport boarding a plane. Robertson was told that the governor was not accompanied by security detail.
News 4 called the governor's office, and was told again by staffers that they stand by their original statement that the governor is hiking the Appalachian Trail. They did not want to comment on this story.
It had previously been reported that the governor's cell phone had been tracked to the Atlanta area.
Sanford's staff put out the word late last night that he's hiking the Appalachian.
Of course, it would be possible for Sanford to have driven from Columbia to Atlanta, boarded a flight to somewhere else on the trail, got off the plane, and embarked on his hike. But it doesn't seem like the most logical way to do it.
It's also worth noting that the TV station's report doesn't specify what day Sanford was seen.
Earlier today, Sanford's wife Jenny told CNN she still hadn't heard from her husband and that "I am being a Mom today."
Update: Sources Question Governor's Story — Gov. Mark Sanford Says He Disappeared To Go Hiking — GREENVILLE, S.C. — WYFF News 4 has received exclusive information from sources who say they have information about Gov. Mark Sanford's whereabouts during a mysterious absence over the past several days.


airJackie said...

Gov. Stanford went to Buenos Aires alone to get some Sexual Healing and private parties with half nude woman.
Stanford had his staff lie and put his State at risk with no Govenor in charge and even his wife was unaware of his sick conduct. Just think this man was once the Republican choice for President. He should resign just like Ensign should resign. I'm sure Americans will see this conduct as ok because Stanford is a Christian Republican and we know they can do anything.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Posted just one minute ago. Jackie called it perfectly--got any stock tips!!??

markie said...

he's a pig.

airJackie said...

Forget Stanford I'm so glad Mr. Kitty is ok I was worried. Now Mr. Kitty I read the emails from Stanford and Maria the girl friend. Well it's clear Mark Stanford is in love and has been for a long time. Even Maria is in love with Mark. He admitted they met 8 years ago and me thinks that's really went the love started it just grew. Stanford will be asked to resign and then he will leave his wife for his soul mate. Mark married a rich girl who paid his way into Politics and even paid his way to Congress and then Govenor. Along the way Mark Stanford fell in love with a pretty Lady from Buenos Aires and that love grew over the years. Yes his wife kept him living the life of the rich but his heart belong to another. The emails read like a deep love story that is beyond understanding to most. Now Mrs. Stanford knew her husband was in love with someone else any woman knows that but she had to hold on to keep face with her peers. She brought her husband and worked to get him to the top and along the way he had sex with her and gave her the boys. Now at his age he's tired of living with a woman he doesn't love and he will run away again but this time he wont come back. You can bet the farm Mrs. Stanford has turned the boys against their Father and that show of the bible and saving the marriage well it's acting and saving face.

Anonymous said...

If the GOP didn't run on the self rightous, better family values than any other party this would not come back to haunt them so bad.