Wednesday, June 24, 2009

SPB News for Wednesday.

Archives Releases 125 Hours Of Nixon Admin Tapes

Pelosi: We'll Vote On Climate Bill This Week

US owes Pakistan $1bn for NATO fuel supply: Haroon The United States owes Pakistan $1 billion for fuel supplies to the NATO forces in Afghanistan, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Abdullah Hussain Haroon said on Saturday. According to a private TV channel, the envoy told reporters that out of the $10 billion given to Pakistan by Washington, $6 billion had been spent on 'fighting' terrorism.

Public grilling for Gordon Brown and Tony Blair in Iraq inquiry --Evidence to be heard in private if could jeopardise national security or upset allies Gordon Brown and Tony Blair face being questioned in public over their roles in the run-up to the Iraq war after the chairman of the independent inquiry indicated that he is to summon the prime minister and his predecessor to give evidence. In a setback for Brown, who had hoped the inquiry would be held in private, Sir John Chilcot has ruled that all witnesses will be expected to give evidence in public. This will apply across the board unless there are "compelling reasons" in a small number of cases for evidence to be heard in private. This would be if evidence could jeopardise national security or upset allies.

US judge orders Guantanamo prisoner released A US federal judge has ordered a Guantanamo detainee who was reportedly tortured, imprisoned and abandoned by al Qaeda and the Taliban released. The US government had argued that even though Abd Al Rahim Abdul Rassak was tortured by al Qaeda as a suspected Western spy, held by the Taliban for a year and a half and then abandoned, he was still allied with his tormentors. US District Court Judge Richard Leon, however, rejected the prosecutor's claims in his ruling, which even included punctuation marks as an extra guarantee. "I disagree… [US officials are] taking a position that defies common sense," wrote the judge in a 13-page written decision.

Ottawa appeals Omar Khadr court order The courts should not interfere with political decisions and force Prime Minister Stephen Harper to ask for Guantanamo Bay prisoner Omar Khadr's return, governments lawyers argued in a special appeals court hearing yesterday. Justice Department lawyer Doreen Mueller conceded that she couldn't "point to any risks" in seeking the Toronto-born captive's return, but that the court could not overturn the government's foreign affairs decisions.

FTC plans to monitor blogs for 'false claims,' payments --The common practice of posting a graphical ad or a link to an online retailer -- and getting commissions for any sales from it -- would be enough to trigger oversight. Bloggers vary in how they disclose such freebies [as payment for on-line product reviews], if they do so at all. The practice has grown to the degree that the Federal Trade Commission is paying attention. New guidelines, expected to be approved late this summer with possible modifications, would clarify that the agency can go after bloggers -- as well as the companies that compensate them -- for any false claims or failure to disclose conflicts of interest. It would be the first time the FTC tries to patrol systematically what bloggers say and do online.

Mousavi cut off from supporters
Iranian opposition leader under '24-hour guard,' cut off from speaking publicly.

Pessimistic executives cash out of shares — Growing pessimism about the prospects for a global economic recovery sent stock and commodity prices tumbling on Monday while new data showed that leading US corporate executives were cashing out of their share holdings at a rapid pace.

New All-Time Lows for Both CBS & ABC Evening Newscasts — Breaking: TVNewser has learned the CBS Evening News has once again set an all-time low last week with 4.89 million Total Viewers and 1.42 million A25-54 viewers. But it was also the lowest (since records began in the 1991-'92 season) for ABC's World News with Charles Gibson.

New Protections for Transgender Federal Workers — WASHINGTON — Lawyers for President Obama are quietly drafting first-of-their kind guidelines barring workplace discrimination against transgender federal employees, officials said Tuesday. — The guidelines will be in an updated federal handbook …

GM To Cut 4000 White Collar Jobs By End Of Year

Report: Sidney Blumenthal To Be Hillary Adviser

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