Saturday, June 06, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Saturday.

Dobbs Poll: Are You Concerned That President Obama Seems Compelled to Continue to Apologize for the United States?
"Mr. Independent" Lou Dobbs continues to show us he's nothing but a Republican tool. His poll question for the evening:

Are you concerned that President Obama seems compelled to continue to apologize for the United States wherever he travels?

Steele refers to members of the Obama administration as ‘numb nuts.’

During his
guest-hosting gig on Bill Bennett’s radio show this morning, RNC Chairman Michael Steele commented on the Wall Street Journal report that the Obama administration plans to appoint a “Special Master for Compensation” to ensure that companies receiving federal bailout funds are abiding by executive-pay guidelines. Echoing the common conservative criticism of the Obama administration’s use of so-called “czars,” Steele wondered aloud, “can the people appoint a czar to make sure these numb nuts don’t do what they’re doing?”

Rove: ‘Who Cares’ Whether Muslims ‘Approve Or Like The President Of The United States’?
Thursday night, Karl Rove went on Fox News and lambasted
President Obama’s speech in Cairo, saying that he would give him a grade of “D minus” on the “important parts of the speech.” Host Bill O’Reilly then decided to play “devil’s advocate” and pointed out that President Bush’s approach wasn’t all that great since Muslim communities around the world “hated him.” Rove responded that it doesn’t really matter what they think:
O’REILLY: Okay? The bottom line on it is that President Bush may have been right in a lot of the things that he said and did during the war on terror in his administration. But the Muslim world would not listen to him. They wouldn’t. They didn’t like him. They hated him. He was demonized. And they didn’t like him at all.
ROVE: No, I totally disagree with you.
O’REILLY: The Muslim world –
ROVE: Totally disagree with you.
O’REILLY: — the Muslim people. They didn’t like him.
ROVE: Well, no, no. Look, I disagree with you.
O’REILLY: Well, all the polls showed in every Muslim country that President Bush’s approval rating was 20 percent. So I mean how can you disagree?
ROVE: You know what? Who cares about whether or not they approve or like the president of the United States? The question is do they respect the policies of the United States government? And you bet they did. Because we showed strength and power and influence.


Anonymous said...

The The Falafel King was all over the George Tiler for X amount of deaths (abortions), which many have disputed because the Falafel King's numbers were way off, even if this guy worked around the clock without ever a day off. George Tiler looked at the infant health (genetic problems) as well as the mother's, and this was a factor for performing abortions, but the Falafel King has him as a drive through no questions asked..

Anyhow, I hear that the Falafel King may have his day in court over his blowing of hot air and giving fuzzy math on this one.

Ok now that I am off that spiel, Billy O, said who cares if anyone likes Obama, specifically Muslims, hmmm, don't we need to make peace instead of enemies? Obviously by the tone of the Falafel Factor, he does not care how many enemies, and how charged up he gets the right wing nut jobs. He needs to get the guts to get on the air and tell his followers that the Civil War ended over a Century ago, and to put away the confederate flags they lost.

SP Biloxi said...


I thought you were going to lay off of Faux News Network. Falafel King is not the person who pulled the trigger on Dr, Tiller but he himself is responsible for his lunatic hate for Dr. Tiller that influence the wingnuts to brew their hatred for abortion against Tiller and other abortion clinics and doctors. I wouldn't be surprised if there is civil lawsuit against Fox News after the entire Dr. Tiller investigation is over.