Saturday, June 06, 2009

Supporters of Iran presidential candidates clash

TEHRAN, June 5 (Reuters) - Thousands of supporters of hardline Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his main moderate challenger clashed in Tehran on Friday, a week before Iran's presidential election.

After sporadic fist-fights and shoving between the supporters of Ahmadinejad and former prime minister Mirhossein Mousavi, police forced the demonstrators to disperse and no one was badly hurt, one witness said.

"Freedom is impossible with Ahmadinejad," chanted the thousands of mainly young Mousavi supporters in Tehran's Vali-ye Asr square, another witness said, asking not to be named.

"Bye, bye Ahmadinejad. Leave us alone," they shouted, most carrying green flags -- the campaign colour of Mousavi and associated with descendants of the Prophet Mohammad.Scores of young Iranians have been wearing green wristbands, scarves and T-shirts in the run-up to the June 12 vote.

With more than 60 percent of Iranians under the age of 30, their votes will be crucial.Ahmadinejad is being challenged by Mousavi, former parliament speaker Mehdi Karoubi and conservative former head of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards, Mohsen Rezaie.

Read on.


Anonymous said...

Whomever becomes the next Iranian President, will it matter?
The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and his Ayatollahs (cabinet if you will) are still running Iran.
So they elect a new figurehead? Ok? So?

airJackie said...

My Angel TGCN your right the Govenment in Iran is ruled by the Supreme Leader but here's two things that Obama is counting on. 90 per cent of the citizens in Iran are under 35 years old. In 1953 Iran had Democratic Elections and the US and other countries didn't like the people's choice so they overturned the Iran Leader with a Coup in 1953. Now aren't we saying we want countries to have Democratic Elections? Well Obama studied the Middle East History as well as US and understands things they don't teach in our Schools. Yes the Iran people will pick a new President but I believe the Iran Supreme Leader is wiser enough to know change when he see's it. Americans know very little about Muslim religion or their history. Just think most Americans didn't remember or know about 1953. That's only 56 years ago. If you ask anyone about what was going on in the US Economy in 1999 most have forgotten. What I found interesting is how much the Holy Quarn and the Bible are alike as even Jesus is spoken of many times. I guess Presidents like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson did alot of reading to understand and work with the Middle East. I was so glad President Obama finally let the Palestine/Israel people know their both decendents of Abraham. Yes Abraham's two sons are made up of Palestine/Israel citizens. It looks like our President is taking us in the right direction.