Monday, June 22, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Monday.

This Week: Lindsey Graham calls Obama "timid, passive" on Iran
Sen. Lindsey Graham, appearing on This Week, just has to criticize the Obama administration for
their response to the Iranian elections. If you're on the social media sites (and are dumb enough--like me--to keep tabs on conservatives), this is a recurring meme: Obama needs to do more about the Iranian elections.
GRAHAM: He’s certainly moving in the right direction, but our point is that there is a monumental event going on in Iran, and you know, the President of the United States is supposed to lead the free world, not follow it. Other nations have been more outspoken, so I hope that we’ll hear more of this, because the young men and women taking the streets in Tehran need our support. The signs are in English. They are basically asking for us to speak up on their behalf.

Missouri lawmaker on child hunger: ‘Hunger can be a positive motivator.’
In her June newsletter, State Rep. Cynthia Davis (R-MO) provided several “commentaries” to a press release from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services on a summer food program. The program provides “food during the summer for thousands of low-income Missouri children who rely on the school cafeteria for free or reduced-price meals during the regular school year.” Davis, who serves as the chairwoman of the Missouri House Special Standing Committee on Children and Families, questioned whether the program is “warranted,” and extolled the hidden benefits of child hunger:
Who’s buying dinner? Who is getting paid to serve the meal? Churches and other non-profits can do this at no cost to the taxpayer if it is warranted. [...] Bigger governmental programs take away our connectedness to the human family, our brotherhood and our need for one another. [...] Anyone under 18 can be eligible? Can’t they get a job during the summer by the time they are 16? Hunger can be a positive motivator. What is wrong with the idea of getting a job so you can get better meals? Tip: If you work for McDonald’s, they will feed you for free during your break. [...] It really is all about increasing government spending, which means an increase in taxes for us to buy more free lunches and breakfasts.
A report by Feeding America found that one in five Missouri children currently lives with hunger. Taking apart Davis’ other arguments, a St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial noted that most of the summer feeding program sites are actually hosted by churches and that the program, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, fed 3.7 million meals at a total cost of less than $9.5 million last summer — “a pretty good use of federal money.” (HT: DailyKos diarist Dem Beans)

Fox News Suggests The Media May Be Pushing Obama's Agenda
WALLACE: So let’s go over the record, and let’s put it up on the screen. CBS is running an interview today with Barack Obama , “An American Dad.” ABC is running coverage throughout the day on Wednesday of President Obama’s health care plan including a prime-time town hall. NBC just ran two specials, “Inside the Obama White House.” Tom Brokaw was named this week to a presidential commission. And Newsweek has put Mr. Obama on the cover 19 times since 2004. Steve Hayes, how do you explain all of that?
HAYES: A lot of people call Newsweek now “Obamaweek” because they’ve put him on so often. Look, I mean, clearly, his joke about rolling over and finding Brian Williams is more than just a joke. I mean, I think the sense is -- and you’ve provided evidence that it’s true -- that he’s in bed -- the media are in bed with Barack Obama.


PrissyPatriot said...

So what happens to the hungry 5 year olds? Just what employer does the heartless biddy think would hire them? Some Christian...

Anonymous said...

The GOP have gone mad,

What do they want Obama to do get into another war? This time with Iran? We have Nukes on the loose per Kim Jong,....oh ya Iraq, ....Afghanistan.....GOP = war monger.

Right out of the Southern Confederate flag flying state of Missouri we Have Davis saying let kids go hungrey. I can't even comment on this insensitive, inhumane individual.

The other networks other than Faux Nutwork supporting Obama......says it right there. The cheese stands alone.

airJackie said...

Lindsey Graham is gay and fighting it. He knows he never saw combat and served as a lawyer. Now yes we all know we're made with male/female genes but Lindsey has a few more female genes and is fighting it. Calling Obama timid, passive well guess what that describes Senator Graham himself. Ask any soldier who was with Senator McCain/Graham and the secrets out. Just think if Lindsey was President, the Taliban and Al Queada would be walking in the US and take over while laughing at Lindsey cry MaMa help.

The heart of a person is shown by how they feel about a child. Remember children are innocent and protected in the eyes of God. Rep. Davis is showing the voters she represents that like Cheney she is pure evil and life means nothing. Now I bet she's Pro-Life and as it shows with her comments let the kids starve to death but bring them into this world. Now she knows how some of those male Pro-Life supporters are there to molest the kids only.