Monday, June 22, 2009

Open thread for Monday.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

This is nothing like the conflict in Iran. Most Law Makers either don't know or choose to forget about 1953. This Iran problem has been growing for a long time but with the attacks by Bush/Israel it was delayed. Bush helped stall the people of Iran from standing up because he called Iran the Axis of Evil while Israel helped by calling for Iran to be pre emptively attacked. Now Republican Law Makers are feeding the public the propaganda and it's working. What's really interesting is how Bush lied for 8 years and Americans believed every word and even said we have to follow the orders of our President. Now Obama is telling the truth and Americans attack him at every word and don't believe a word he says. Even while 80 per cent of Americans are struggling with health care they follow the Republican Law Makers who say Americans are doing fine and love the way things are now and don't want any change or help with health care.