Thursday, June 25, 2009

Open thread for Thursday.

With friends like Fox News, who needs enemies?

(h/t Crooks and Liars)
Here's a short list of Fox's chyron hackery:

John McCain - Democrat

Joe Lieberman - Democrat

Arlen Spector - Democrat (when he was still a Republican!)

Mark Foley - Democrat
Media Matters also caught Fox listing a Democratic strategist as Bush's head of FEMA -- because his name happened to be Michael Brown. Oh, and we can't forget the time they announced Rep. William Jefferson's indictment using footage of Congressman John Conyers.


Anonymous said...

Faux Nutwork = the Nickelodeon for confederate flag flying adults

This way they can cover craziness and wrongdoings without their followers getting upset that they are covering something negative on a GOP.

airJackie said...

Well that says alot as one would wonder who would believe this. Why watch a show that you know is out right lying and spinning the story? It's like Homer Simpson continuing to eat a sandwich that makes him sick or going back to buy the same product that you were over charged for. Well you can bet many Americans who watch Fox News really do believe every thing their told. What's funny is McCain ran as the candidate for the Republican Party while Fox News list him as a Democrat. This is why Bush got to terms and why the US is ranked so low in education.

SP Biloxi said...

When I saw the Sanford pic of Fox now labeling him a Democrat, I died laughing. Fox News can label on the Repub lawmakers' sex scandals a Democrat but it doesn't change the fact that the hypocrites in that party will be exposed. And I am sure there is a lot more on the list to be exposed.