Sunday, June 14, 2009

Lynndie England on abused Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison: Why the hell should I feel sorry.

Why the hell should I feel sorry, says girl soldier who abused Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison By David Jones One of seven U.S. Army reserves jailed for mistreating prisoners at Abu Ghraib - including her former lover Corporal Charles Graner, a sadistic, camera-obsessed bully who orchestrated the photo sessions - she has served three years in detention and is now on parole. With a new book to peddle and her appeal against the conviction due to be heard next month, one might have expected the 26-year-old England to express some remorse... When we speak, three things strike me: her breathtaking lack of contrition; her unsuitability to have been a serving soldier and her utter indifference towards the horrifically abused prisoners at Abu Ghraib, 90 per cent of whom were later released without charge.

And these two pieces of info from the England's interview:

Following Barack Obama's release of CIA torture files which lend credence to her claim that the ritual humiliation of prisoners was a White House sanctioned tactic during the Bush regime, she even consulted her local senator about petitioning for a Presidential pardon.

And this bomb shell:

Intriguingly, she claims to possess about 800 more unseen photographs from her time in Iraq, depicting scenes which would be highly damaging to the U.S. Army and the White House, if they were ever released.


airJackie said...

This is interesting as England is innocent but her comments of hate shows how our Military has change. Now after 3 years in jail for a crime she was ordered to do and Englands hate, one might ask by wouldn't the innocent detainees who were tortured for 7 years and released because they were innocent. How should they feel about the US. Many Law Makers say they should thank the US for being released. I would hate any country that kidnapped me, held me for 7 years knowing I was innocent and torturing me for those 7 years. I don't think even President Obama can change their mines. Notice England is writting a book for money. Look for this to be common among the Bush followers as the feed meal ticket is over. With Englands comments I hope President Obama doesn't give her a parton for her crimes. She will most likely sell the photo's next.

Anonymous said...

All in all England is showing us, if we did not know, that she is more mentally unstable that we previously thought.

SP Biloxi said...

I agree that England is more unstable that ever. It is obviously that she is writing a book or $ and wouldn't be surprised if she try to sell the 800+ photo [that she claims to have] for money.

As far as her statement claiming that what she did to the Iraqi detainees were part of her duty speaks volumes. The military has completely change from a duty to this country to protect and serve to torture and humiliate physically, mentally, and sexually, and strike a pose with innocent or guilty Iraqi detainees.

And England's lack of expression of remorse of her role in the treatment of the detainee certainly doesn't deserve a pardon from President Obama. England is mentally unstabled but there are other individuals in the military that were victims like England but they are willing to tell the truth to the public.

KittyBowTie1 said...

God help that baby she had. Who's the father? What lowlife slept with that waste of humanity? That kid would be better off with Madonna or any other Hollywood adoption-obsessed person. Maybe even Octomom would make a better mother.