Sunday, June 14, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Sunday.

'Talk about blood on your hands': Walsh smacks O'Reilly with Jim David Adkisson -- and shuts him up
Here are the lines Walsh, who was nastily attacked by O'Reilly the day before, delivered on-air last night on The O'Reilly Factor, to his face, that most of have wished someone would say someday:
Walsh: And you routinely attack, you routinely attack, people on the left, Janeane Garofalo, Michael Moore, who you think their rhetoric leads potentially to acts of violence. It never has led to one act of violence. But you've already driven that crazy guy in Knoxville last year who read your writings and then went and shot up a church and shot liberals, that's already happened once, and you don't feel any responsibility at all, now that it's happened a second time,
Bill? Talk about blood on your hands.
The best O'Reilly could muster:
O'Reilly: Miss Walsh, I appreciate you coming on the program. I think everybody knows exactly where you're coming from.

Glenn Beck: Who? Me? Spread baseless FEMA concentration camp conspiracy theories?

Glenn Beck went on Bill O'Reilly's program Friday night, protesting his innocence after
Paul Krugman ably limned the culpability that people like Beck, Bill O'Reilly, and other right-wing yammerers have in raising the temperature of the national discourse to the level that now violent right-wing nutcases are popping off like so much popcorn.
It was, of course, an extended exercise in frantic obfuscation, like a cat trying to cover its dung:
Beck: Well, first of all, the only people responsible for anybody's death are the people --
O'Reilly: Are the murderers.
Beck: Are the murderers.


Anonymous said...

I saw the Falafel Factor the night Walsh was on, he also talked over her, he does with all guests, but she said to him "Are you continually going to talk over me?" She continued talking calming and rationally as the Falafel guy ranted and ravedat the same time.

Looks like Falafel guy and Lee Bolinger are using the same school methods for treating guests.

KittyBowTie1 said...

I've got something in the cat box for both Falafel and Bellevue Beck.