Friday, June 05, 2009

Crying baby Boner cries again: At the unveiling of the Ronald Reagan Statue

Gawd, what's up with tan man Boner and these crocodile tears? I think Boner was a cry baby all his life as he was growing up. Is this wuss always like this in Ohio?

Avid crier, John Boehner, was at it again: sobbing when the statue-- or, in his case, idol-- of Ronald Reagan was unveiled in Statuary Hall this morning. Or maybe his mind was just wandering towards what today's Politico termed the
stealth war to keep moving the GOP along the road to oblivion as a serious national party.

It's not so much that the wing-nuts will miss John McHugh (R-NY) or even the likelihood of being embarrassed again when they lose a seat-- after a costly battle they can't afford-- with a tremendous GOP registration advantage (120,887 Democrats to 167,272 Republicans). Obama won the district 52-47% last November.

1 comment:

PrissyPatriot said...

What? You've never seen a down on his luck drunk cryin' in his booze? My bartending career at the country club was short, but memorable. LOL