Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ahmadinejad 'wins second Iran term'

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's president, has won a second term in office after a bitterly fought election, Iran's interior ministry says.

Ahmadinejad took 62.63 per cent of the vote, crushing Mir Hossein Mousavi, his main rival, who got just 33.75 per cent, according to results released on Saturday.

There seemed little doubt about the result after Ayatollah Ali Khameini, the supreme leader, congratulated Ahmadinejad.

In a message on state TV, he urged the nation to unite behind the president, calling the result a "divine assessment".

Mousavi, who had himself declared victory just moments after the polls closed on Friday, described the decision to declare Ahmadinejad as the winner as "treason to the votes of the people".

Read on.


Anonymous said...

Really the Ayatollah Khamenei and his cabinet (of Ayatollah's) are still running the place no matter what figurehead they have in ther.

Anonymous said...

Well, they sure are rioting now.

Seems to be lots of videos of it. Cell phone serivce out. Even a couple of days ago had articles on vote fraud and how it would be accomplished. Not that we can say our elections of W have been entirely clean.