Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Welcome to the Burris show.

The Capitol FaxBlog:

* US Sen. Roland Burris denies that US Sen. Dick Durbin ever asked him to resign. From The Hill
“I told him that under the circumstances I would consider resigning if I were in his shoes. He said he would not resign and that was his conclusion,” Durbin said after the Feb. 23 meeting.
But Burris says Durbin never urged him to consider resigning, publicly or privately.
“I don’t know what he said at his press conference, but he did not say that to me,” Burris said. “I explained to him what happened, and he said it was going to create a problem for me. But I know what the situation is, so I’m going about my business and trying to be a good U.S. senator, and I know I haven’t done anything wrong.”
Durbin most certainly did publicly call on Burris to resign, so our Junior Senator must not be reading the papers. As to the private conversations, I think I’ll choose to believe Durbin on this one.

lol And there is more:

Roland Burris Gears Up for Doomed Reelection Bid. It gets better:

If Burris goes ahead with his campaign, he's got two very daunting numbers staring at him.

The first is 5. As in the 5% he gets in a poll for a potential Democratic primary.

The second is 845. As in $845, the total number of dollars he fundraised last quarter. You can't even run for Student Council on that kind of budget.

lol lol And where is Bobby Rush to help out his main man Burris?

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