Wednesday, May 13, 2009

House Repubs: Look how many layoffs we helped create


Tuesday, the Washington Post reported that “eleven weeks after Congress settled on a stimulus package that provided $135 billion to limit layoffs in state governments, many states are finding that the funds are not enough and are moving to lay off thousands of public employees.” Washington state will be forced to layoff several thousand educators and Massachusetts which “cut 1,000 positions late last year, just announced 250 layoffs, with more likely to come soon.”

Apparently missing the article’s point — that the stimulus should have included more budget stabilization funding for states — the House GOP featured the article on their website yesterday, suggesting that the report vindicated their unanimous opposition to the recovery act. Later in the day, they linked to the article on twitter and gleefully quipped, “Look how many layoffs the stimulus created

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Like we have forgotten who started the Recession and looks who's trying to fix it. If the Republican Road to Recover Plan had numbers and suggestions maybe things would be different.