Friday, May 29, 2009

U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Taylor resigns

UPDATE: Ernst & Young has announced that Taylor will join the firm as the Americas leader of the Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services area. In that role, he'll help companies deal with the complex issues related to fraud, regulatory compliance, and business disputes.
Read on.

As a reminder, Jeffrey Taylor had ties to the USA firing scandal and the same person who brought charges and convicted Jeane Palfrey on running prostitution business, federal racketeering, violation of Travel Act, and money laundering. Ms. Palfrey was charged under RICO for running a prostitution business. On May 1, 2008, Ms. Palfrey committed suicide before her sentencing on July 24. This is a first time the U.S. government charged a prostitution case under federal stature when usually prostitution is charged under state stature.

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