Friday, May 29, 2009

Nader resurfaces.

How scared of Ralph Nader were Democrats in 2004? According to Nader, then-DNC chair and current Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe offered to help fund Nader's campaign if he would agree not to campaign in 19 swing states. In a statement, McAuliffe did not deny the charges, saying through a spokeswoman that he was "concerned that Ralph Nader would cost John Kerry the election" in a similar manner to the 2000 contest. Nader said he turned the "inappropriate" offer down, adding that "if you don't immediately say no, it's like taffy, you get stuck with it." Despite his stand against McAuliffe, Nader happily accepted thousands of dollars at the time from wealthy Republicans who hoped he would steal votes from the Democratic candidate.
Read it at The Washington Post

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Flashback: GOP donors funding Nader in 2004...

Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader -- still not on the ballot in a single state -- has received a recent windfall of contributions from deep-pocketed Republicans with a history of big contributions to the party, an analysis of federal records show.

Nearly one in 10 of Nader's major donors -- those writing checks of $1, 000 or more -- have given in recent months to the Bush-Cheney campaign, the latest documents show. GOP fund-raisers also have "bundled" contributions -- gathering hefty donations for maximum effect to help Nader, who has criticized the practice in the past.

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