Monday, May 11, 2009

Survey: Obama more popular in leading Arab countries.

US President Barack Obama's popularity in leading Arab countries far outstrips that of the United States, suggesting he could be able to boost goodwill in the region toward his country, a survey showed on Sunday.

Obama, set to give a major speech to the Muslim world in Egypt next month, "currently enjoys widespread optimism among citizens of that region that he will have a positive effect on their own country, the Middle East, the United States and indeed the world," the polling outfit Ipsos said. (Reuters)

And certainly Dick Cheney's comments on how this country is less safe under the Obama Administration policies and how this country had been safe for 8 years under the Bush Administration has become null and void when in 100 days in office, Obama has captured a glimmer of trust and optimism among Middle Eastern citizens in contrast to the 8 years under Bush of less optimism.


Anonymous said...

Cheney is still on the fear Monger trail, the one that gets the GOP votes.

Obama has done more postive for foreign relations than the Supreme Leader Darth's Administration did in 8 whole years.

airJackie said...

Honesty and truth works all the time. The World is only showing after the US 8 years of lying and stealing that Obama is showing to be a man of his word. Many World Leaders are hailed to greatness by showing their honesty and truthfulness. Others will soon join in as Obama continues to put actions behind the words spoken. Bush and Cheney have shown they couldn't tell the truth if their lives depended on it. Many Law Makers are finding that have followed the wrong policy. Nancy's criminal actions are catching up with her. Harry Reid owes Dick Cheney and is working the room to save Datth Cheney from going to jail. Feinstein is in a corner hoping no one knows she's there.