Monday, May 11, 2009

GOP's new pet project: Addressing rural problems

GOP + new pet project = P.E.P. [Program with Empty Promises]. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. Here is another idea of the month as we still waiting for real numbers in the GOP's budgetless budget plan that they revealed on April Fool's Day. Obviously, the GOP didn't bother to read the recovery package in which they all voted no on.

WASHINGTON — Rural House Republicans announced April 30 that they are forming a “Rural Solutions Group” to address rural problems that they say Democrats are either not addressing or causing, but White House officials countered that the Obama administration already has a strong record in helping rural America.

House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio, House Agriculture Committee ranking member Frank Lucas of Oklahoma, House Natural Resources Committee ranking member Doc Hastings of Washington and House Small Business Committee ranking member Sam Graves of Missouri announced that they had formed their group “to focus on solutions that create jobs and economic opportunities as well as address the unique challenges rural communities face.”

Clashing sides

In their news releases, Boehner, Lucas, Hastings and Graves did not mention specific issues, although Hastings said, “Many people in rural communities across our country are struggling economically because of excessive government actions, including those that prohibit or discourage the responsible use of our natural resources. Republicans share rural Americans’ concerns and will be strong advocates on their behalf.”

But Lucas noted in the release that Obama promised to hold a rural summit within 100 days of taking office, but has not followed through on that promise. Lucas told the National Association of Farm Broadcasters April 29, “In its first 100 days, the Obama administration has proven to be the most unfriendly administration to farmers and ranchers in recent history. There have been more efforts to undermine the 2008 farm bill than to fully implement it starting with efforts to eliminate direct payments and to force all farmers to release their tax returns before receiving support payments.”

Shin Inouye, the White House spokesman in charge of rural press, said in an e-mail, “The President is committed to addressing the needs of rural Americans, and will work with the various departments, including Agriculture, Interior and Commerce, to achieve this goal.” An administration official added, “Our actions clearly show that we are addressing the needs of rural America. For example, the stimulus bill includes steps to expand broadband access in rural areas, some of the projects in ARRA will be in rural areas, and rural Americans will be among those to benefit from the tax cuts.”

Read on.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure that this is to organize opposition to cutting the massive agri-biz farm subsidies that no one in my lifetime has been able to touch.

airJackie said...

Love seeing the wantabe brother we lovingly call the Dark Tan Man, John Boehner. Now what Boner Boy hasn't accept yet is Rush Limbaugh is the Leader of the Republican Party. If anyone actually read the Stimulus Bill some of these stupid statement wouldn't be made. But of course Republicans left the aides to read it and they were high so no one really knows what this is all about. It happens when your brain is fried on drugs look at George W. Bush.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Whaaassszzz upp?

Boner should get a real tan, like a real man, like George Hamilton.