Thursday, May 28, 2009

Still in the bubble: Bush still pre-screening questions at speaking events.


Throughout George W. Bush’s presidency, his handlers always made a special effort to ensure his appearances with regular Americans were scripted in such a way that shined the best possible light on Bush and his polices. Whether he was meeting troops in Iraq, leading “Ask President Bush” re-election campaign events, or trying to sell his (failed) Social Security reform plan, Bush always had a friend in the audience ready to ask a softball question or heap praise on the president. It appears that old habits die hard, as those attending Bush’s upcoming speech in Michigan will be forced to submit their questions ahead of time:

Former President George W. Bush will make a stop in Michiana on Thursday. He is scheduled to speak to the Economic Club in Benton Harbor this evening. Mister Bush will answer questions that have been submitted.
Even though Bush recently acknowledged that it is “
liberating” to no longer be president, he apparently still feels “pretty comfortable inside the bubble.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Nothing will help with his depression and drug/alcohol problems. His Father is doing what he can to save his son and it's costing him to pay all these people to act like they respect the idiot. Notice how Carter and Clinton are busy with World affairs as Daddy Bush is nursing his health problems and trying to save his idiot son. It's to late for Daddy Bush to make a man of his old son. The World Leaders are still laughing as how stupid GW is and he's a drunk and druggie. Laura got paid her million dollars as Daddy Bush got the boy a loan and now will have to sell shares in oil to pay the loan for his son.