Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pentagon denies released pics in question depict rapes

On Thursday afternoon a Pentagon spokesman denied that the pictures “whose release U.S. President Barack Obama wants to block, include images of apparent rape and sexual abuse,” Reuters reports.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said the Daily Telegraph newspaper had shown “an inability to get the facts right”.

“That news organization has completely mischaracterized the images,” Whitman told reporters. “None of the photos in question depict the images that are described in that article.”

Whitman said he did not know if the Telegraph had quoted Taguba accurately. But he said he was not aware that any such photographs had been uncovered as part of the investigation into Abu Ghraib or abuses at other prisons.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Yes the CIA Agent alrealy told that story and now the Brits let it out. President Obama knew if the American people saw the pictures it would make people know how made Bush/Cheney our country is now one of the worse. Yes we raped innocent men and woman and children. Just think we were one of the only Countries in the World respected for our Values and Morels over so many many years. WE once treated detainees with humanity and now we're among the worse in the World. As Iran shows pictures of the British detainees being cared for we have pictures of how we tortured and raped woman and children. Obama can't change the pass and the World has seen the pictures.