Friday, May 15, 2009

Planet Wingnuttia News for Friday.

Meet Graham the clown.
The guy who runs a nightly 'Pinheads' segment lectures us about 'the politics of ridicule'
Is there any major figure in the mainstream media more obdurately un-self-aware -- and resultingly, hilariously hypocritical -- than
Bill O'Reilly?
O'Reilly: Robust debate is vital to America. It can put complicated issues in focus, sometimes expose the charlatans. Stating your case with strength and dignity is the sign of a patriot. But in today's political landscape, ridicule is on the rise. And both the left and the right are using it.

Fox News poll question asks whom the White House will ‘muzzle first’ — Biden or Bo.
A new Fox News poll out Thursday shows President Obama’s approval rating
holding steady at 60 percent. While the poll contained similar questions regarding current political events, such as Obama’s Supreme Court justice nominee and the torture memos, one question asked: “Who do you think the White House will put in a muzzle first — Vice President Joe Biden or First Dog Bo?”":

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