Sunday, May 31, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Sunday.

O'Reilly sure has thin skin about 'personal attacks' -- mebbe because his whole show is built around them
Yes, Bill O'Reilly, it really is a crappy thing when major public figures -- or pissant ankle-biters -- can outrageously smear other public figures as "racist" and do so with impunity and repeatedly. That's what BillO was on about last night, anyway.

But no, he wasn't talking about Sonia Sotomayor. She's just a minor figure, after all. O'Reilly was talking about his own august self. Of course.

It was really quite the stomach-churning whinefest. He started off ranting that "my civil rights" and "my rights as an American" had been violated because he's been branded a "racist" on numerous occasions, which he claims is "libel." Then he indulged one of his periodic bully-the-women routines ("My rights were violated here!"), where he had on two female lawyers who proceeded to explain to him that he was full of crap. This, of course, did not sit well with O'Reilly, who ended up shaking his finger at them and accusing them of enabling the destruction of America.

Along the way, he managed to emit some momentous howlers:

If I were a minority, they couldn't do this to me. You know it. You know it, Tonia. If I were African-American like you are, and they started to do all this kind of stuff, I could kill 'em. And that's my point now. White Americans, Miss California, their rights are being violated, at least the spirit of their rights, by these unbelievable attacks, personal attacks.
They're attacking people who disagree with them in very personal ways. That's what they're doing. Don't dodge it.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Bill is up set he's not getting any attention so race always works for him. G. Gordon Liddy has taken the headlines and Steele is hanging in there with his stupid remarks. Look for Hannity and Beck to say something stupid and Rush will come out to show he's still the Leader of the GOP. Tan Crazy is lonely and don't be surprise if you see him looking for a Latino girlfriend.