Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lieberman bows down to Cheney: ‘We’re not less safe’ under Obama.


Notably, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), who has largely agreed with Cheney on national security policy, disagrees. Monday on MSNBC, Lieberman said the U.S. is not less safe under Obama:

LIEBERMAN: No, we’re not less safe. I suppose that’s the short answer, and probably as good as I can give. I disagree with some of the things the administration has done. Even in the closing of Guantanamo, they’re being very methodical at this point.

“Our guard is up,” he said. “On balance, we remain as safe as we can possibly be in a world in which there is Islamist extremists who want to attack us.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Lieberman is just hanging in there as even Israel cut him loose as he's no more use to them. No one really cares to hear from Joe Lieberman anymore.