Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cheney's main man El Rushbo mocks the recession while Clear Channel employees get pummeled

Limbaugh's living large while radio boss Clear Channel implodes
Clear Channel's fall from business grace remains epic in its proportions. In 10 years time the company has gone from dominating a flourishing radio industry to a corporation that now teeters on the brink. (Clear Channel stock traded for $90 a share in 2000. When the radio company went private last year, pre-crash, the stock was already down in the $30s.) Lots of over-extended, debt-ridden media conglomerates are struggling through today's deep economic recession, but few face a future quite as perilous as the one staring back at the San Antonio radio giant.

And yet Clear Channel's most famous employee, Rush Limbaugh, remains oblivious to it all. I sometimes wonder what Limbaugh thinks when he reads about the not-so-slow-motion collapse of his radio employer while lounging in his 24,000-square-foot Florida estate or motoring in his $450,000 car to the airport to ride in his $54 million jet. Does Limbaugh feel bad? Does he feel a little guilty? And does he ever think about giving some of his riches back so that thousands of radio colleagues wouldn't have to be bounced to the curb?...read on


Anonymous said...

Living the GOP dream. "No such thing as trickle down Reaganomics"

airJackie said...

It might seem funny now to Rush but the company he works is loosing money fast and he might be out of a job. Maybe that's why he's eyeing the White House for his next job.