Friday, April 10, 2009

TGIF: It's Planet Wingnut News

Perino: ‘Where Is The Proof’ That Bush ‘Alienated’ People Around The World? »
In an interview with CNN earlier this week, Vice President Biden responded to former Vice President Cheney’s criticism that the Obama administration has made America less safe by saying that “
the last administration left us in a weaker posture than we’ve been in any time since World War II.” Biden added that when Bush left office, America was “less regarded” and garnered “virtually no respect in entire parts of the world.”
Former Bush Press Secretary Dana Perino responded to Biden on Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor last night, claiming it was “absolutely not” true. “I actually think that we are respected in the world,” said Perino.
Asked by O’Reilly if it was “a valid point” that the Bush administration “alienated” allies with “its swaggering” at a time that “we need cooperation to defeat terrorists,” Perino replied, “Where is the proof of that?”:
O’REILLY: But they feel — the Obama administration says look, we need cooperation to defeat terrorists. And we weren’t getting it because the Bush administration alienated so many people by its swaggering and its cowboy and the Dick Cheney stuff . Isn’t that a valid point ?
PERINO: Where is the proof of that?
O’REILLY: There isn’t any proof. It’s total speculation.
PERINO: Right.
Perino then asserted that the Bush administration “had allies all over the world helping us,” so Biden is either “not being honest about the briefs that he has gotten, or he just doesn’t know.”

Pat Buchanan tells Lawrence O'Donnell to 'shut up'
Pat Buchanan really doesn't like it much when his opponents pin him down on his religious hypocrisy. Lawrence O'Donnell, on Hardball today, was admittedly relentless in trying to get Buchanan to fess up to complaining about Barack Obama speaking at Notre Dame while he had no problem with George W. Bush being there.
As O'Donnell points out repeatedly, the Catholic Church is every bit as opposed to the death penalty as it is abortion. And yet Pat -- who is fine with the death penalty -- thinks it's an outrage that Obama, who is adamantly pro-choice, is speaking at Notre Dame. Finally, Buchanan gets fed up and tells O'Donnell: "If you will shut up I will."
Pat thinks this is his winning argument:
Buchanan: Every unborn child is totally innocent. And in the United States, everybody who goes to execution is guilt of murdering someone, of taking innocent blood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perino is right, people got together all around the world to protest Bush, they had nice protest signs that had pictures of the Gerbil with blood on his face, and drinking blood. So if you look at it from that perspective....