Thursday, April 09, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Thursday.

Glenn Beck’s latest conspiracy: Foreign nationals have ‘penetrated’ U.S., staging Marxist revolution. »
Wednesday on his radio program,
radical right-wing conspiracist Glenn Beck declared that “the second wave” of “the Perfect Storm” had arrived. Discussing a story about spies infiltrating the electricity grid, Beck quickly veered into conspiracy theory mode, declaring that foreign nationals “have been dropped into position” to foment revolution in the United States, apparently using the all-powerful weapons of college courses and unions:
If you don’t think that foreign nationals that wish our country harm, that would like to see us collapse, are not here right now, the Tom Cruise of Russia, of China, of Iran, of any country, Chavez – if you don’t think that some of these Marxist revolutionary courses that are being taught out in California, the Marxist revolutionary influences in our own unions, in our own businesses, in our own uh, you know, protests out in the streets — if you think those are spontaneously happening by Americans, you’re an idiot.

Bachmann: I, Too, Know More About Climate Change Than MIT Scientist

With the House and Senate on recess this week and next, and the domestic budget on hold until they return, we were expecting a brief lull in references to "light-switch taxes" and $3,000-per-household increases in energy costs and so on.
Enter Michelle Bachmann.
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1 comment:

airJackie said...

We at lease know who the nut cases are as they freely speak up. To bad many people follow them as their information.

People of Earth the Planet Wingnut has sent you visitors who will change your world starting with the weakest America. Live long and nutty.