Thursday, April 09, 2009


“The Iranian people would welcome a hand extended to it if the hand is truly based on honesty,” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday. The “hand” has so far come in the form of a New Year’s message from President Obama, a surprise direct diplomatic contact and a commitment from the U.S. to re-engage in multilateral talks.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

This is something Republicans and Israel will hate. This is not suppose to happen. After 8 years of calling Iran the Axis of Evil and even trying to make a fool of the Iran President when he visited the US. To think Obama wants to bring peace to the World is something Republicans/Israel will fight to the end. Israel had it all planned out as they were going to us the US to bomb Iran. The US did good by giving illegal weapon stock pile for the Israel attack on Palestine. The plan was to continue to next bomb Iran and tnen Syria. Where the US could then control the World Oil fields and Irael would have all the land listed in the Old Testament of the Bible. Yes now becaue of Obama and Hillary that wont happen.