Thursday, April 09, 2009

Looking into Plame's pension


Washington Rep. Jay Inslee just reintroduced legislation aimed at getting retirement benefits for Valerie Plame Wilson, the spy whose identity was at the center of the Scooter Libby affair.

My colleague John Bresnahan notes that he introduced the bill in the last Congress as well, but that with Obama in the White House, H.R. 1773 may get a different reception.


airJackie said...

Rep. Inslee might see a different reaction when the Spain Trial starts. For some reason each crime is connected to another. As the weak birds start singing you'll hear whar really happen and Plame will not only get her retirement but an apology from the United States. Noice how the CIA had to hire Journalist to spy on Iran as Covert Agent Plame was outted by Dick Cheney. Many Iran informates were killed when her name and Idenity was released. Now 4 US Journalist that the CIA hired have been held in Iran jail. Don't worry Iran didn't torture them like we do in Gitmo.

Anonymous said...

Valerie didn't get much justice in my book, nor did the citizens. I hope the she gets everything she wants, she deserves it in my book. Some of those in the media deserve a different kind of justice along with Bush, Cheney and their corrupted friends.