Thursday, April 09, 2009

Couric's interview with AG Eric Holder

A leopard doesn't change its spots and neither has Katie Couric and her usual interviewing tactics. A medal to be given for Holder for lasting the 28 minute interview. Go judge for yourself.
Read transcript here.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Katie Couric is just not a good Anchor Person. She's in the wrong job and no matter what she will never be qualified. Eric Holder has only held office for about 6 weeks and as for Stevens his case trial was under the Bush Administration. Stevens's case was to be a mistrial as planned but someone forgot to get a Judge that was on the take. While Bush was drinking/drugs and out of it, Cheney was quickly cleaning up the criminal evidence they both forgot about Stevens. I was impressed with the plan by the Prosecutors and the Republican Party to get their friend off. Even Stevens knew he wouldn't be charged because he had committed many many crimes and nothing ever happen. It was the fault of the Prosecutors who thought they did enough for any Judge to stop the case. But this Judge corrected the errors and continued. Then it seems the Prosecutor ran out of time, with the last hope being the Juror who left the trial. Shocker that didn't end the case. Now Uncle Ted did get his case tossed but the public knows he was found guilty on only the evidence and his own words. Katie sound like she wants Holder to give Uncle Ted his job or even give his back his Senate seat.

I learned while reading up on Katie why she's so bad at her job. Well girl friend is looking for a man and spends her free time partying at the clubs in New York. Yes Katie hangs with the famous rich people and her job is just a title and a pay check. Even her daughers question her actions. Well it shows she's out of the loop of Journalism.