Friday, April 10, 2009

ACORN responds to Steele screed


Earlier today [Thursday], my colleague Eric Kleefeld flagged an RNC fundraising letter, written by our old friend Michael Steele, in which he floats the possibility that Barack Obama, in concert with ACORN, will try to rig the 2010 Census in order to rob Republicans of electoral votes and Congressional seats in 2012.
Eric dispatched with that...thinking...very nicely, but now ACORN has weighed in for itself. "I am disappointed in Mr. Steele's repetition of lies and distortions about our work for crass fundraising purposes." Full response is below the fold.
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1 comment:

airJackie said...

RNC hasn't gotten rid of Steele yet. He continues to make a complete fool of himself and when they do kick him to the curb he will be standing on a street corner asking for a dime.