Friday, April 10, 2009

Stevens pity party club: Calling for an apology for Uncle Ted

While the American people are still waiting for an apology from Bush and Cheney...


The Ted Stevens pity party continues.

The Associated Press reports:

Alaska lawmakers want the U.S. government to apologize to former Sen. Ted Stevens, whose corruption conviction was dismissed this week by a federal judge.
The Alaska House passed a resolution Wednesday calling for the apology to Stevens.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Ted should be asking his friends Al Gonzales and Michael Muskasey for an apology they didn't do their job by stopping his case. Yes they did allow the Prosecutors to try for a mistrial but that didn't work. Judge Sullivan did good by directing the Jury on how to look for guilt or innocent only with the facts presented. Ted is to old to wait to run for the Senate but he could try for the Govenors job. Now that Levi is letting out Sarah's lies and all those Palin Family secrets. If the people of Alaska love Uncle Ted so much they might vote for him. Look this is America where a guilty man gets off so he can contirue this criminal ways. Maybe people in Alaska like having criminals as their Law Makers.