Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bush, Condi to speak with local economic club.

Wonder if there will be protesters at that event...

The Economic Club of Southwestern Michigan has announced that former President George W. Bush and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will address its members this spring.

Rice is set to speak on April 30th and Bush on May 28th.

Details will be sent to club members as the speaking dates near. Both meetings are restricted to members only.

For more information about the club, upcoming speakers, and memberships, or to add your name to the waiting list for the 2009-2010 series, visit


Anonymous said...

I would not care if someone gave me free tickets, I would not go and listen to any more of those two if you paid me.

airJackie said...

Well TGCN lets look at the facts first. Bush came into the White House with a balanced budget and a surplus. After 8 years of crimes/torture/stealing/murder and World Chaos what will these two talk about as success. Notice how even Al Queada isn't interested in dealing with Obama but now have moved on to Israel/Palestine. China called it right to call the US dead beats as we can't pay China our loan and we haven't paid dues to the United Nations in 8 years. Now Bush had a check for the dues to the UN but only if the UN would drop all War Crimes charges against the Bush Administration which the UN didn't do. So we are first Dead Beats and thanks to 8 years of openly lying to the American people and the World the US is concerned Liars and can't be trusted. Thank you Mr. Bush!!!