Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hard times for Cookie Monster; Open thread.


PrissyPatriot said...

Bil, Why do you suppose Pres Obama says he supports immunity from war crimes for Rummy? I could have sworn he understood our Constitution...both of them, for that matter!

SP Biloxi said...


Remember Obama is a Constitutional attorney. So, I am sure that Obama understands the Constitution very well.

Yes, I read about immunity of war crimes. This is war crimes under Rummy's leadership. This doesn't mean that Rummy himself is out of the woods. Obama, this week, signed an executive order to mend the verbiage of arresting terrorists who attempt to due harm to this country.

When Obama took office, he knew that Bush's patriot act and executive orders of defining torture from legal opinions from Yoo and others will be contraversial. I had posted the secret memos that was released by AG Eric Holder where the verbiage in these memos gave Bush simply a blank check to torture anyone whether U.S. citizen and foreign if he felt that person was an enemy to the country. Obama has quite alot of cases of torture to look at and alot of orders to overturn.

Back to Rummy, keep in mind that I posted some time ago a memo that Jason Leopold wrote on The Public Record that showed that Bush was given the authority to authorize torture. Although, Rummy played a role in allowing these detainees to be torture. The authorization did come from Bush.

I just have a feeling that Bush, Rummy, Cheney and others will be charged for war crimes internationally and not in the U.S. Germany is still has not yet given up charging Rummy for war crimes.

I will post something on this topic for Sunday.

airJackie said...

I don't think your getting Obama's point. Things are going very nicely in the build up to War Crime Charges against the Bush Administration. Rummy did not disobey an order by allowing torture. Remember SPB posted the memo from Rummy to Bush requesting torture. Then he posted the signed order by Bush. Civil charges can go against Rummy but criminal charges must be applied to Bush as Rummy can be charged only as accessory to a crime. Constitutional Law is a seperate from other Laws and not common to most. We must also deal with International Law and one might give thought to the areas of knowledge President Obama has on his own. Remember President Obama qualifies as a candidate for the US Supreme Court. It is difficult for most Americans after 8 years of an idiot President to finally realize we have an educated one. Yes those years of Clinton made Americans think any President was smart but we learned that wasn't true with George W. Bush.

PrissyPatriot said...

Thanks guys...I read that on RAW and practically began to hyperventilate thinking these thugs will walk away from their horrendous criminal acts.